2022 National Board Call for Volunteers

Are you looking for an opportunity to further your career in the hydrographic community? THSOA can help!

We are looking for volunteers for multiple positions on the THSOA National board.

If interested, please email [email protected] your nomination or your interest in volunteering.

Elected Position Nominations

THSOA is seeking nominations and volunteers for the following positions by February 21.



The role of the Secretary is to support the Chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of the THSOA Board. In summary, the Secretary is responsible for: Ensuring meetings are effectively organized and accurate minutes of those meetings maintained. Maintaining effective records and administration.


Trustees at Large (two positions)

The management and control of the Society shall be vested in the Board of Trustees. The commitment over the year is two meetings a month with additional time put toward duties as subcommittees and projects require. As events such as US Hydro approach the meetings are increased as needed.

As always, this is our professional organization... If someone has the interest to take the lead on an action, proposal, or an event, contact us at [email protected] THSOA is a great opportunity for someone to grow their career while giving back to the community. Nominees and volunteers must be members in good standing in order to accept the position.

Please spread the word and thank you,

The Hydrographic Society of America Board

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