Entry opens on May 1, 2024
Closing date is September 30, 2024
The Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) SE Chapter is having a photo contest with the top 12 photos being featured on our 2025 calendar! Each winning entry can pick the month they want their picture on the calendar (First Come, First Serve). A brief company overview/contact information etc, will be included with the picture.
How can I participate? Any current and paid “Member” of THSOA can participate.
What type of photos are eligible?
The photo should feature Hydrographic/Geomatics products/services/people in action – in your office, in your lab, or in the field.
How to submit your image(s)?
Send the image and description to [email protected] and [email protected].
Terms and Conditions of the THSOA Photo Contest 2024:
1. Entries for the “THSOA Photo Contest 2024" must be submitted online at [email protected] and [email protected].
THSOA reserves the right at their sole discretion to extend the closing date for a reasonable period of time where an insufficient number of the entries received have satisfied the entry and judging criteria.
2. The winners will be announced after September 30, 2024.
3. THSOA may exclude images from the top 12 if there is reason to suspect cheating in the voting process.
4. By submission of images, the Participants grant THSOA a non-exclusive right to use the content for promotional use.
5. All submitted photos must show a situation where hydrographic/geomatics products/services are being used.
6. THSOA may cancel this competition and amend these terms and conditions without notice in the event of circumstances outside their control.
7. By their participation, the Participants warrant that they have the full intellectual proprietary rights to the uploaded content.
8. Please make sure your photos are HSSE-proof (people wearing the proper personal protection and no unsafe situations).
9. Your digital pictures must be of the highest possible resolution (minimum 1 MB, 300 dpi)
10. Where client companies are named or easily identifiable in photos, please ensure that you have obtained written permission from the appropriate management at those companies for the photos to be published by THSOA.
11. Entry into the competition is acceptance of these terms and conditions.