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2024 Disaster Response Geospatial Workshop
Thursday, June 06, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: In person

2024 Disaster Response Geospatial Workshop
Date: June 6
Sessions are 9:00 am - 4:00 pm central time

Location: Abdalla Hall, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lunch provided, sponsored by Bottomland Geosciences, LLC.

This will be an in-person event with the ability to attend via zoom. Registered attendees will receive meeting links prior to the workshop.

Workshop Description:
The purpose of the workshop is to promote geospatial coordination during hurricane and other disaster season events (i.e. Wildland fires), to identify points of contact, and to share information about data portals and resources. Presentations will cover coordination related to hurricane and other disaster season event preparation, emergency response operations, ongoing recovery efforts, and an overview of the data clearinghouses, applications, and data acquisitions of federal and state agencies which collect and host geospatial data.

Workshop Cost: Free, but registration for workshop and lunch is required.

Invited Speakers:
USGS EROS Emergency Operations, USGS National Map, USGS NLI, NASA, FEMA, The International Charter, NOAA, National Weather Service, LA GOHSEP, LA DOTD

**further additions will be updated and a final agenda will be sent out closer to the workshop date

Registration: Email Courtney Poirier Chicola, [email protected] for any questions. The link for registration can be accessed by the link: https://forms.office.com/r/HAhqNNJV7n

For more information, contact:
Brent Yantis, NASA/UL Lafayette Regional Application Center, [email protected]
Rusti Liner, River Parishes Community College, [email protected]
Courtney Poirier Chicola, NASA/UL Lafayette Regional Application Center, [email protected]
Michelle Fischer, U.S. Geological Survey, National Geospatial Program, [email protected]

Sponsors: NASA/UL Lafayette Regional Application Center, Bottomland Geosciences, LLC., U.S. Geological Survey, and the Louisiana View Program.

Note: Smoked brisket prepared by our Louisiana/Texas Award Winning Champion, Dr. Andy Hollerman, will be back on the Lunch menu with all the trimmings for in-person workshop attendees.